Lecture Looks at Islamic Economics and Finance - Al-Maktoum College
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Lecture Looks at Islamic Economics and Finance

The main principles of Islamic Finance are the focus for the fifth Open Lecture in the current programme at Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education.

The internationally-renowned scholar, Professor Mehmet Asutay, Director of Durham University’s Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, will be speaking on the topic on Thursday, March 17, 2016.

With his background in Middle Eastern and Islamic Political Economy and Finance, Professor Asutay has titled the lecture: “Defining and Framing Islamic Moral Economy”.

He will outline the emergence of Islamic economics as a moral economy within the social formation and religious conduct of evolutionary economics.

He will explain the main principles of Islamic Finance and the changes that have taken place in this field.

“This is an intriguing issue in many ways and Professor Asutay clearly can speak on the subject with great wisdom and gravitas,” said Dr Hossein Godazgar, the College Principal and Vice Chancellor.

“He is recognised globally as an expert in this interesting and emerging field and we look forward to welcoming him to Dundee.”

The lecture takes place at Al-Maktoum College on Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 6 pm.

It is FREE to attend and open to the public. However registration is required due to capacity.

To register email: openlectures@almcollege.org.uk

www.almcollege.org.ukThis lecture is FREE to attend and open to the public. However registration is required due to capacity.

To register Email: openlectures@almcollege.org.uk

Refreshments will be available half an hour before the lecture and there will be socialising and networking with light nibbles afterwards.

There is also a free car park available adjacent to the College.