Diploma in Pastoral Care and Muslim Chaplaincy - Al-Maktoum College
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Diploma in Pastoral Care and Muslim Chaplaincy

The programme will draw on the knowledge and experience of researchers and professionals operating in the field of Muslim chaplaincy and counselling.

  • Tuition fees: Online: £2,700
  • Programme level: SCQF Level 11
  • Start date: January
  • Study mode: Hybrid, On-Campus, Online
  • Duration: 1-year

What will I study?

  • Framework and Application: The programme draws from the expertise of professionals and researchers in Muslim chaplaincy and counselling. It’s specifically designed for organisations and agencies working within community contexts in pastoral care and counselling.
  • Integrated Approach:
    • Explore pastoral care, chaplaincy, and counselling within an Islamic framework.
    • Develop critical insights into the theory and practice of emotional and spiritual care.
    • Prepare for cross-cultural work by developing empathetic understandings of various communities, including those of other faiths or none.
  • Reflective Practice:
    • Engage in deep reflection on the theories and practices of pastoral care and counselling.
    • Consider the cultural sensitivities that impact service delivery in diverse environments.
  • Islamic and Contemporary Studies:
    • Study Islamic jurisprudence relevant to pastoral care.
    • Examine critical theories and concepts that influence faith-based discussions and counselling.
    • Investigate a variety of perspectives and debates around Islam, pastoral care, and counselling in a contemporary European multicultural and multi-faith context.
  • Career Preparation:
    • The programme aims to equip students with a critical understanding of Islam and pastoral care, enhancing their potential in various job opportunities within pastoral care and counselling sectors.

What will I learn?

  • Explore the background history, theology underpinning concepts of chaplaincy in Islam
  • Critically analyse traditional self-healing practice and build understanding of these practices through the role of religious approaches
  • Examine ethical debates emerging in medical practice, healthcare and pastoral care
  • Covers key concepts and theories of counselling and its significance as well as practical implications in faith-based contexts

Programme information

Entry requirements

  • 2 Highers or equivalent and National 5 Maths or equivalent
  • Relevant practical experience

*Applicants who do not meet the formal entry requirements may be asked to attend an interview.  

English Language requirements 

Teaching takes place solely in English and you must demonstrate that your English language proficiency is at a level that will allow you to follow your intended programme successfully.

If English is not your first language you must hold a qualification as evidence of your English language skills. Full details of the qualifications we accept, can be found here.

Student Visa requirements for study in the UK

The UK Government approves certain English language qualifications as being Secure English Language Tests (SELT). These meet the government’s requirements for visa applications.

Al-Maktoum College will accept the following:

  • IELTS for UKVI or IELTS Life Skills
  • LanguageCert – B2 or equivalent
  • Pearson – PTE Home or PTE Academic
  • PSI Skills for English – PSI Services

SELT’s can only be sat at approved test centres. A list of all the approved test centres is available on GOV.UK

The list of approved English language tests has been assessed as meeting Home Office requirements under the secure English language testing arrangements. Only those tests and test levels specified are approved. If you intend to use an English language test in your immigration or nationality application you must take one of the tests on the list.

You should make sure the test that you book is the one approved for the SELT.


Full entry requirement information can be found here.

The programme is composed of 3 compulsory units and an optional units. Each unit makes up of 20 SCQF Credit Points. For each unit students must dedicate at least 120 hours of study; 20 contact hours and 10 hours of independent study. The option of Arabic may require extra study hours.

Classes are made up of lectures, seminars and tutorials and you will have 2 hours of contact teaching per week.

The assessment is varied and will be both formative and summative. Students will write either and essay or a critical review on a subject about the unit. They will also present in the class for about 15 minutes as part of developing the communication skills, argumentation and coherence of ideas. Class participation and online discussions will constitute a part of the assessment as well.


You should apply directly using the College online application system and your application will usually be assessed within 3 working days. We my contact you to provide further information or to invite you to a short informal interview.

Please make sure you have the following information before starting your application:

  • Academic transcripts and qualification certificates
  • Proof of English language proficiency (if required)
  • Passport details
  • Referee details

We consider all aspects of the application: academic qualifications, personal statement and references.

All correspondence will be sent from admissions@almcollege.ac.uk after an application of study has been submitted and you should direct any questions there.


UK: £2,700

International: £4,050


Please contact admissions@almcollege.ac.uk  for further information.

Self -funded students 

If you are self-funding your studies, you will receive an invoice from the College with details of how to pay your fees once you have accepted your offer. Students can choose to pay in full, or in instalments and full details can be found in the Tuition Fee Policy.

Sponsored students

If you are being sponsored by an external organisation, please contact admissions@almcollege.ac.uk 

Students applying for SAAS or other UK Government funding should do so as soon as possible to ensure funding is in place at the start of the academic year. 

All major credit/debit cards are accepted.

Contact fees@almcollege.ac.uk with any queries

Compulsory Unit Information

Theoretical Muslim Chaplaincy

Theoretical Muslim Chaplaincy (Unit code J6JR 04) 20 SCQF Credit Points

The unit critically explores the background history, theology underpinning, and the developments of the concept and practice of chaplaincy in Islam. It reflects critically on concepts and principles of chaplaincy and psychological dynamics (nafsiyaat) in people’s lives, from the Qur’an and Sunnah, tradition and the wider diverse Muslim intellectual heritage. Students will have an opportunity to reflect theologically on the core Islamic concepts that underpin chaplaincy such as Khidmah (service), Muhasssibah (critical self-reflection), Rahma (mercy) and Maghfirah (forgiveness as a process of healing). They will also examine critically the concepts, theories, and theological and social science models of pastoral care. The unit encourages students to build a framework in which the concept of Khidmah (service) can be located on the integration of Islamic Fiqh with pastoral care.

Pastoral Care: Health and Healing

Pastoral Care: Health and Healing (Unit code J6JN 04) 20 SCQF Credit Points

Pastoral care and counselling professionals are often confronted with a range of diverse religious and cultural prescriptions for improving emotional, spiritual and physical health and bringing healing. Traditional self-healing practices have been passed down from generations through family and community stories. A critical understanding of these practices and the role of religious approaches to healing can provide pastoral care and counselling professionals and clinicians with insights into health and healing beliefs and issues associated with specific ethnic groups within Muslims and the wider culture.

This unit examines the impact of spirituality and religion on health and healing approaches and practices as well as the more personal dimension of spiritual healing. The idea that the Quran ‘is healing and mercy..’ (Qur’an 17:82) and diseases are created by God who also created their treatments (Qur’an 26:80) has been instrumental in producing healers who rely on ‘spiritual’ approaches and treatments with large numbers of subscribers. Offering special prayers and the practice of ruqyah (words said and written in the form of supplication for the purpose of protection or cure) is popular amongst many Muslim communities. At times, such healing practices create a tension between normative medical practices and Muslim healers’ claims that they could offer a holistic solution to patients is a subject of study. This unit critically examines the basis and validity of such treatments in light of Muslim religious sources and prophetic practices.

Research Skills and Project Report

Research Skills and Project Report (Unit code J3SC 04) 20 SCQF Credit Points

The first part (10 %) covers the research approaches in business studies. It aims to prepare students to produce a project proposal. This part of the module examines strategies, design, ethics, and methodologies with particular reference to both qualitative and quantitative methods. The module explores a range of methods appropriate to a range of disciplines including entrepreneurship, banking and finance, management, and sustainable development. It aims to develop students’ analytic skills, which are essential aspects of conducting independent project proposal for business. At the end of the course, students will be required to produce a mini dissertation drawing on available academic theories and approaches (6,000 -8000 words) as part of the assessment.

Optional Units Information

Islamic Medical Ethics

Islamic Medical Ethics (Unit code J6JH 04) 20 SCQF Credit Points

This unit critically examines a wide range of ethical questions emerging in medical practice and developments in medical science, which are facing religious, healthcare, pastoral care, counselling and other related professionals and academics. Besides a range of ethical issues in medical research, human cloning, reproductive medicine and other areas common to the wider populations, there are many issues in medical ethics that are specific to religious communities and Muslims in particular. These include contents of medicine, Islamic bioethics (including organ donation, euthanasia, fertility treatment, family planning, assisted reproduction, abortion), post-mortem examination, organ transplantation, mechanical life support, informed consent and refusal of treatment, new genetics and genetic engineering, and end of life issues and brain death.

The unit draws on moral philosophy and Islamic ethical principles and jurisprudence to critically analyse these questions, understand the context in which they arise, and the debates to deal with them. A critical understanding of the resources from moral philosophies and Islamic medical ethics should enable students to be aware of ethical issues and standards within pastoral care and the counselling profession.

Islamic Mysticism and Spirituality

Islamic Mysticism and Spirituality (Unit code J6JP 04) 20 SCQF Credit Points

This unit examines the historical and current debates surrounding the central issues and concepts of Islamic philosophy, metaphysics and the inner dimensions of Islamic spirituality (tasawwuf) – e.g. existence and essence; the nature of claims about God’s existence and

attributes; life after death; creation; reason and revelation; miracles; prayer; the problem of evil; inner dimensions of worship and connection with God. Students will explore the main themes and philosophers that shaped the Islamic philosophical tradition. Students will examine philosophical ideas, thoughts, perspectives and debates in which philosophers such as Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Al-Kindi, al-Farabi and al-Ghazali engaged in, as well as issues surrounding religious experience, Islamic mysticism and tasawwuf. These foundational discourses will help chaplain in appreciating the need to connect soul, mind and body in discovering a spiritual healing path.

Islamic Counselling and Psychotherapy

Islamic Counselling and Psychotherapy (Unit code J6JE 04) 20 SCQF Credit Points

This unit introduces students to key concepts and theories of counselling. It will emphasise the significance of counselling and some of its practical implications and cases. The students will learn about practical skills of counselling that will further develop their self-awareness and communication skills. These skills are surely recognized by employers in different working contexts.

Diploma in Muslim Family Law

The Diploma in Muslim Family Law will draw on the knowledge and experience of researchers and professionals operating in the field of Muslim family law and/or secular family law.

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